
Saturday, January 23, 2010

One Block At A Time

This week I had my (hopefully) final appointment with my foot doctor, aka podiatrist. Ugh, just admitting that I see a "podiatrist" makes me feel old! But I digress, the point of my visit was to determine when I would finally be free of my cast, affectionately nick-named Frankenfoot. After 3 months I am more than ready to wear normal shoes again. I'm also eager to start exercising, I miss my long neighborhood walks and it has been especially difficult to sit inside this week with temps in the 70s.

So here's the verdict: I can slowly begin weaning myself out of the cast beginning with 1 hour of freedom the first day, then 2 hours the next day, 3 hours the day after and so on. Dr. G also gave me the go ahead to begin taking my daily walks if I'm pain-free after wearing real shoes full time. I was so excited, until he told me to start by walking only one block.

What???? ONE BLOCK?!?! Seriously? I wondered if he was joking but no, he wasn't. He was very clear that if I overdid it again I would end up back in the cast. One block for a few days, then 2 blocks for a few days, then 3 blocks and so on.

I don't know why the healing process is so slow. All I know is I can only go one block at a time if I want my foot to heal properly. One block at a time to strengthen the muscle, increase flexibility and build stamina. One block.

It seems like most of the healing we desire is slow and tedious. Very few of us find instantaneous healing for whatever ails us.

Community healing comes from rebuilding dilapidated buildings one brick at a time. It comes from rebuilding tense race relations one friendship at a time. It comes from rebuilding the economy one job at a time.

Relational healing comes from one conversation at a time. It comes from building trust one action at a time. It comes from being known one story at a time.

Spiritual healing comes from one gut-wrenching prayer at a time. It comes from one display of grace at a time. It comes from one moment of worship at a time.

Emotional healing comes from one tiny step of acceptance at a time. It comes from one tear at a time.

But eventually healing comes, no matter how painful the process. It comes. Now if you'll excuse me I need to prop up my throbbing foot, I walked more than one block today. Oops! ;-)