
Monday, May 16, 2022

Like Mother Like Daughter

Today marks 365 days since my mama went home to Jesus.  Buckets of tears later I find myself full of memories, happy and sad, and more than a few regrets.  Our relationship was complicated, but God in his mercy allowed us a measure of healing the last two years of her life. 

For most of my life people have made comments about me looking like my mom.  It used to upset me because I chose to view her through my wounds. I regret that now.  Finally, I see her beauty.  She was lit up from the inside, and I wish more than anything that I could tell her what I see.  

When I compared a recent selfie with a photo I snapped of her a year before she passed, I was shocked how much of her I saw in my own face.  Yes, I look a lot like my dad, those Clayton genes (and chins) are STRONG, but I also see my mama. The eyes, the smile, the asymmetrical nose, the salt and pepper hair, the similar face shape.

After a year of missing her a little more each day, I no longer grow irritated to see our physical similarities. I have also begun to accept some of our shared personality "quirks", a few I most decidedly wish I had NOT inherited 😂, but there are some that make me proud. I followed after her in my faith, it is deep and solid, and continues to grow. I took after her and became strong and resilient after surviving childhood trauma, a life-threatening health crisis, and harrowing life circumstances, just like she did. I am loyal to a fault when treated right, and devoted to those I love, as was she. And she taught me how to love dogs, books, and music, all things that bring joy to me in this crazy life.  

Obviously, I am still a work in progress and will discover more similarities, good and bad, but I hope that I can at least love and serve others as faithfully, joyfully, and selflessly as she did. 

Love you mama, I hope you're dancing with daddy today.