
Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Weebles Wobble but They Don't Fall Down

Today not only marks our country's independence, it marks three months since my heart was patched. My independence from heart failure if you will. :-) We're getting used to each other this patch and I. It hasn't been an easy relationship, but I'm committed to making it work. I hope Nite is too. (That's my nickname for the little booger.)
I wish I could say things are perfect. They're not. But I can say they are better. I have more good days than bad ones. I'm still impatient to be completely well, whatever that means, but I have a VERY long way to go in that regard.
I've had many medical appointments of late, lots of routine tests. And last week I got a phone call. Something suspicious was on the mammogram. Awesome. Many women get call backs, but this was new for me since my last one and I will admit that I was a bit nervous. I had a choice to make when I received that call. There were a few tears and then I remembered that God knows what he is doing even if circumstances indicate otherwise to my human eyes. Lord help my unbelief!
So I did something very mature. I started singing the Weebles song from my childhood.  Yes, I could have chosen something more spiritual, but nope, it was the Weebles song (google it if you are too young to know what I'm referring to.) It's a really good thing His strength is made perfect in my weakness. And it's a good thing I'm kind of shaped like a Weeble..... 

You see, I've done a lot of wobbling these past three months, heck these past five and a half years to be honest. The neurosurgery, the layoff, the fire, my dad's stroke, my heart defect. It has been a lot for me to absorb. But like those childhood toys that fascinated me, I keep getting back up, and even if I'm a little more wobbly of late, at least I'm not down for the count!
Thankfully the follow-up ultrasound yesterday indicated that I do not have breast cancer! There will still be more tests for whatever is going on, and to be honest I'm tired of my lab-rat status. But once again God spared me what he has not spared so many others. It's humbling.
My faith is like the Weebles song. It can get wobbly, but it is the reason I can get back up over and over again. Faith is part of every fiber of my being. It isn't going away just because life gets hard. I've benefited from a few miracles of late and I'm grateful I'm still standing. Happy Independence Day!