
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Cars & Keys

What possesses someone to key another person's car? Seriously, someone keyed both the passenger door and the hood on my new car and I have NO idea why. I haven't flipped anyone off or yelled at anyone while driving for a long time, honest. I finally got over my road rage and was rewarded with.....vandalism. Stupid Murphy's Law!

Even though I had
a patient scream (and I do mean SCREAM) at me last week, and another patient who wanted to know why he was billed for his no show since we were just going to stick something up his @*#$@#! @#$, I'm pretty sure they don't know what kind of car I drive. And besides, there are cameras and offices with windows that overlook our parking lot at work so it's unlikely it happened there. I did go to Target and HEB but didn't notice it until the next morning. With my luck it happened at my very own apartment. Hm, I don't think I've ticked off any neighbors, but then I am famous for making people think I'm mad at them when I'm not. The only thing I did was rebuff one of my neighbors who kept hitting on me, she just wouldn't take no for an answer.....

Now I'm worried that there is someone lurking near my apartment, just what I needed something else to scare me. Maybe I should install a video camera so I can see who is out there in the middle of the night when I'm locked tightly in my apartment. I cannot for the life of me comprehend what type of person would do that. Even when I am my angriest I don't mess with other people's stuff!

I guess I'll be calling my Denver brother to see what he recommends to repair the damage. It's frustrating to have to deal with this issue so early in the life of my new car, I mean it still has that "new car" smell (sometimes!) I know it's just a car, but it was my new car and now it's scratched because of someone else's lack of morals, and I have no idea what I did to deserve it. Maybe I should just sell it and start taking the bus! Ha, like THAT'S gonna happen!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Adventures in Puppy Parenting - Chewing it Up

What? I'm not eating your shoes...

I was just moving them for you....
Yeah, that's it!

I promise!

Ah, the teething phase, I REALLY hope he outgrows it soon. Right now as I type, my adorable puppy is gnawing the window sill while eyeing the mini-blinds and curtain. I just noticed that he has already pulled a thread from the once perfect curtain and tried to eat it. Grrr. If I didn't know better I'd think he was hungry, but his belly is most definitely full. Earlier today I had an inkling that he was up to something when he didn't follow me into the kitchen. No sooner had I left the room than he shredded the tissue I had left on the coffee table.

Exhibit A

So far he has inflicted the following damage:

1. He has eaten a hunk out of the wall
2. Destroyed my USB cord
3. Eaten tags off of every toy, blanket, doggy bed, etc. It's his favorite thing to do and it's the first thing he looks for on new toys. I frequently find his beds upside down and the tags chewed
4. Chewed the window sill , curtains and window blinds AND gnawed my sofa cushion, pillows, blankets, comforter, towels, shoes and purse
5. Attempted to eat the vacuum cord, computer cord, lamp cord, or any other cord - if he can get to it it's fair game
6. Mutilated several toys - his bunny is missing it's tail and her back leg is practically severed; his teething bone is unrecognizable and I frequently step on the hard pieces of blue rubber; his bouncy ball is no more - he chewed it in half, ate some of the rubber before I could get to it and proceeded to throw up on my bed, at 4:00 am - um, I'm afraid I wasn't too gracious about it either!

Exhibit B

Sigh. If he wasn't so darn cute he'd be in the dog house, literally. But when he looks at me with his tongue sticking out I find him absolutely irresistible and smother him with kisses! He's got my number!